Translate into Ukrainian.
- If I hear any news about her, I’ll phone you.
- If my brother lose his money, I’ll help him.
- If I have enough money, I will buy a new French car.
- If the weather is fine, I will go for a walk to the park.
- If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new luxurious house.
- If I were you, I would strike up the acquaintance with these Englishmen.
- If I were your mother, I would be dead against your favourite abseiling.
- If this restaurant were mine, you would get a special offer and a discount.
Translate into English:
- Якщо ти принесеш книжку, я приготую розповідь про цього письменника.
- Якщо погода буде сонячна, мої друзі проведуть уікенд на пляжі.
- Якщо діти відвідають цей музей, вони отримають культурне вдосконалення.
- Якщо вона виявить ентузіазм у вивченні англійської , вчитель допоможе їй вивчити цю мову добре.
- Якби я мав більше вільного часу, я б написав тобі повідомлення.
- Якби я був на твоєму місці, я б не залишався у переповненому людьми місці.
- Якби ти зрозумів і допоміг мені, я б не змінився на гірше.
- Якби вода у річці була б теплою, моя сестра б плавала б із задоволенням.
Task on the text “Horses – my hobby” on page 305 - 306
- Answer the questions.
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Where did the girl grow up?
3. What was the girl’s favourite farm animal?
4. What was her dream?
5. What was happened to the horse Midge?
6. What was the worst with a Shetland pony Smokey?
7. When did the girl feel like a real cowgirl?
8. Why was she scared very much?
2. Find true of false sentences. ( +/-)
1. The girl began to like horses when she was seventeen
2. In childhood he dreamed to be a cowboy or a cowboy sweetheart in the West.
3. The little girl went to the cinema every Saturday.
4. The father let the daughter ride a horse alone while he milked the cows.
5. Smokey was a family riding mare .
6. A horse Midge was not a horse for riding.
7. Midge broke one of his legs on the ice one day.
8. Smokey was a little nice pony but it was very stubborn.
9. The friend helped the girl to stop the running horse.
10. At the end of the story the horse was got under control and calmed.