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Test for the 8th form on the topic music »
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Test for the 8th form on the topic “Music”  

 1. Match the words:

  1. Attend concerts             a) надавати перевагу рок музиці
  2. Famous musicians         b) уважний слухач
  3. Listen to pop music       c) російський композитор
  4. Prefer rock music          d) любити класичну музику
  5. Ukrainian conductor      e) грати на гітарі
  6. An exciting song            f) слухати популярну музику
  7. A Russian composer      g) відвідувати концерти
  8. Play the guitar                h) хвилююча пісня
  9. Like classical music        i) український диригент
  10. Attentive listener             j) відомі музиканти
  1. Odd – one – out:
  1. Conductor, piano, guitar, violin.
  2. Chamber, classical, jazz, record.
  3. Composer, musician, conductor, emotion.
  4. Gentle, band, exciting, relaxing.
  5. Melody, rock, folk, rap.
  1. Choose the correct word:
  1. To be a good listener means to (play, listen to, compose) music without doing anything else.
  2. A (composer, conductor, musician) is a person who sings different songs.
  3. A group of musicians is called a (choir, band, team).
  4. If you want to listen to the opera you should attend (Puppet theatre, Opera House, disco club).
  5. This man is a famous pianist, he can play the (drums, piano, violin) very well.

Test for the 8th form on the topic “Music”  

 1. Match the words:

  1. Attend concerts             a) надавати перевагу рок музиці
  2. Famous musicians         b) уважний слухач
  3. Listen to pop music       c) російський композитор
  4. Prefer rock music          d) любити класичну музику
  5. Ukrainian conductor      e) грати на гітарі
  6. An exciting song            f) слухати популярну музику
  7. A Russian composer      g) відвідувати концерти
  8. Play the guitar                h) хвилююча пісня
  9. Like classical music        i) український диригент
  10. Attentive listener             j) відомі музиканти
  1. Odd – one – out:
  1. Conductor, piano, guitar, violin.
  2. Chamber, classical, jazz, record.
  3. Composer, musician, conductor, emotion.
  4. Gentle, band, exciting, relaxing.
  5. Melody, rock, folk, rap.
  1. Choose the correct word:
  1. To be a good listener means to (play, listen to, compose) music without doing anything else.
  2. A (composer, conductor, musician) is a person who sings different songs.
  3. A group of musicians is called a (choir, band, team).
  4. If you want to listen to the opera you should attend (Puppet theatre, Opera House, disco club).
  5. This man is a famous pianist, he can play the (drums, piano, violin) very well.


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