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Урок англійської мови у 11 класі


Тема: Відомі винаходи


навчальна – ознайомлення учнів з важливими винаходами і винахідниками, що зробили значний внесок у розвиток науки і техніки у світі, практикування у вживанні вивченої лексики в усному мовленні;

розвиваюча – розширити знання учнів з даної теми, розвивати навички усного монологічного мовлення, читання тексту з метою отримання загальної інформації та аудіювання;

виховна – стимулювати пошукову самостійну роботу учнів, заохочувати роботи в парах, розширення кругозору, виховання впевненості у своїх силах, прагнення досягнення мети.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, фото відомих винахідників

Тип уроку: урок розвитку навичок мовлення

План уроку:

  1. Організаційний момент.
  2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Вступне слово вчителя.
  3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
  4. Основна частина уроку.

І. Вирішення кросворду.

ІІ. Повідомлення учнів про відомі винаходи.

ІІІ. Перегляд відео про Ніколу Тесла.

ІV. Виконання тестового завдання по переглянутому уривку.

V. Повідомлення учнів про винаходи.

VI. Tест “Відомі винаходи та їх автори’’.

VII. Читання тексту “Іван Пулюй”.

Виконання завдань на перевірку розуміння прочитаного.

  1. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.
  2. Пояснення щодо виконання домашнього завдання.


Хід уроку

1. Організаційний момент.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you at our English lesson. Sit down, please and prepare for the proper work. I hope you’ll try to do all your best during our lesson.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T.: We live in the time of highly developed technologies and can’t imagine our life without all modern conveniences. New inventions are appearing every day and make our life easier, longer, warmer, brighter, more interesting. We know many great inventors and their useful inventions.

3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T.: Today we shall speak about famous inventions that are of great importance in the every day life of mankind.  You have prepared some interesting facts about different inventions and we are going to listen to your reports. Our task will be to exchange information and get some knowledge on the topic”Famous inventions”.


4. Основна частина уроку.

I. T.:  At the previous lessons we have learnt many new words on the topic “Inventions and inventors” and we shall use plenty of them at our today’s lesson. How well do you know them?-That is the question. We’ll check it up in a minute. Your friend has made up a crossword for you, let’s listen to the definitions and guess the crossword.

(Pupil 1 is reading and the other pupils are guessing and writing the necessary words on the blackboard).



  1. An act of inventing, contrivance of that which did not exist before. (invention)
  2. That which is devised, contrivance. (device)
  3. One versed in science; a scientific man. (scientist)
  4. An operation designed to discover something unknown or to establish it when discovered.(experiment)
  5. A man with uncommon intellectual faculties. (genius)
  6. The act of inspiring, the state of being inspired. (inspiration)
  7. One who invents, a contriver. (inventor)
  8. To bring before the public. (introduce)
  9. One skilled in physics, a natural philosopher. (physicist)
  10. Condition of being necessary, need. (necessity)

































































































Pupil 1: You are right and all the words are written correctly. The word # 10 necessity is the main in this quiz because there is a proverb ” Necessity is the mother of invention”. When people need something they invent something.


II. T.: Let’s listen to the stories you have prepared for the lesson. Be attentive because at the end you will have to do the test.

P. 2: Paper is writing material made from wood pulp or other fibrous material. Almost 5,000 years ago, in ancient Egypt, the papyrus plant was processed and used as paper. Papyrus paper was made from thin sheets of papyrus pith that were soaked in water, pressed together with the grains at right angles, and then dried - the sticky sap of the plant made the thin sheets stick together, forming a sturdy writing surface. Papyrus is a grass-like aquatic plant native to the Nile valley of Egypt. Our word paper comes from "papyrus."


P. 3: Isaac Newton is 1 of the greatest scientists of all time. He was born on the 25th of December 1642 at the little village in England. His father was a farmer. Newton studied Mathematics at Cambridge university.

He was interested in the problem of light. He showed that white light is made up of different colours.

Once as Newton sat in the garden the fall of the apple made him think: why must that apple fall to the ground? The reason is that the ground draws it. Newton discovered the law of Gravitation.

He died when he was 84 and was buried in Westminster abbey where his monument is today.


P. 4: Johannes Gutenberg was born in 1300. He was a German craftsman, inventor and printer. He invented the first printing press with movable type in 1450. This invention revolutionized printing, making its simpler. Gutenberg’s new press could print a page every 3 minutes. This made printed material available to the

 masses for the first time in history. Religious materials were the majority of the early printed materials. The use of printing presses began the standartization of spelling.


P. 5: A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Alessandro Volta (February 18, 1745- March 5, 1827) was an Italian physicist who realized that the twitching was caused by an electrical current that was created by chemicals. Volta invented the chemical battery in 1800. His first voltaic piles were made from zinc and silver plates (separated by a cloth) put in a salt water bath. Volta's invention provided the first generator of continuous electrical current.


P. 6: American Graham Bell invented a telephone. On March, 10, 1876, he made an instrument that transmitted a sentence   “Mister Watson, please come into my room”. Bell’s telephone was very simple. It consisted of a metal diaphragm in the field of a horseshoe magnet. The main principle is turning the electric oscillations into sound. This invention became a solution of the communication problem.


P. 7: Samuel Morse was born in the USA in 1792. When he was young he was interested in painting but then his life changed. He wanted to make an instrument to send messages to any part of the world. Morse made a workable telegraph. He invented a relay. The first real workable telegraph was introduced to the public in January 1838. Morse invented short telegraphic sound and long sound. It is known as Morse code. This alphabet is used in telegraph system today.


P. 8: Marconi is known as the inventor of the radio. Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and physicist. In 1895, Marconi promoted and popularized the radio (wireless telegraphy), building machinery to transmit and receive radio waves. His first transmission across the Atlantic Ocean was on December 12, 1901. Marconi won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1909.


III. T.: I want you to practice in auding and propose you to watch the video film about one famous inventor and his inventions. Be attentive please in order to be ready to give right answers after watching the film.

(перегляд відео фільму про життя і винаходи Нікола Тесла).


IV. T.: Let’s check how you have understood the plot of the film. Answer the questions, please:

     1. Who is the main hero of this story?

2. What prominent scientists are mentioned as of great importance as Tesla?

3. What was Nikola Tesla’s nationality?

     4. What inventions of Nikola Tesla have you heard about in this film?

(The alternative current,   the modern electrical motor, the neon light, the robotics, the wireless communication, the remote control, the star wars tactical warfare, the basic radio and lazer technology)

     5. What famous people visited his laboratory in New York?

6. Who was not present at his experiments?

7. What did he create with his companion George Westinghouse in 1896?

8. How many languages did Tesla speak?

9. How did Tesla name his device of the world wide communication system?

10. What was the highest award for the work of Tesla?


V. P. 9: Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor whose many inventions revolutionized the world. His work includes improving the incandescent electric light bulb and inventing the phonograph, the phonograph record, the telephone transmitter, and the motion-picture projector. Edison's first job was as a telegraph operator, and in the course of his duties, he redesigned the stock-ticker machine. The Edison Universal Stock Printer gave him the capital ($40,000) to set up a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, to invent full-time (with many employees).

P. 10: Edison experimented with thousands of different light bulb filaments to find just the right materials to glow well, be long-lasting, and be inexpensive. This incandescent bulb revolutionized the world. Edison also invented the alkaline battery. In 1887, Edison moved his lab to West Orange, New Jersey, and employed about 5,000 people. Altogether, Edison patented 1,093 inventions. Edison was quoted as saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." On October 21, 1931, a few days after Edison's death, electric lights in the United States were dimmed for one minute.

P.11: The first working airplane was invented, designed, made, and flown by the Wright brothers, Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright. Their "Wright Flyer" was a fabric-covered biplane with a wooden frame. The power to the two propellers was supplied by a 12-horsepower water-cooled engine. On December 17, 1903, the "Flyer" flew for 12 seconds and for a distance of 37 m. The flight took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the USA. Orville and Wilbur Wright were raised in Dayton, Ohio. They did not go to college, but  the brothers had intuitive technical ability. Before building their airplane, they had built a printing press and constructed their own bicycles.

P. 12: The brothers chose Kitty Hawk to fly their planes because it was an isolated town. The brothers' first glider, tested in 1900, failed to fly. A second trial in 1901 fared better, but they went on to improve the design. They began test flights in 1903. They later formed the Wright Company, which built and sold their airplanes. The Wright brothers' famous airplane, the "Wright Flyer," is on permanent display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., the USA.

P. 13: The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg Biro. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint marker had been invented much earlier (in 1888 by John Loud) but Loud's marker leaked, making it impractical for everyday use. A new type of ink had to be developed; this is what the Biro brothers did. The brothers patented their invention and then opened the first ballpoint manufacturing plant in Argentina, South America.

P. 14: In 1895 a well- known German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X- rays which we usually call Roentgen rays. He named them in such a way because of their mysterious nature. X- rays are widely used in medicine, different branches of science and technology.

P. 15: John Logie Baird (1888-1946) was a Scottish inventor and engineer who was a pioneer in the development of mechanical television. In 1924, Baird televised objects in outline. In 1925, he televised human faces. Baird was the first person to televise pictures of objects in motion. In 1930, Baird made the first public broadcast of a TV show, from his studio to the London Coliseum Cinema. Baird developed a color television in 1928and a stereo television in 1946.

P. 16: More and more people nowadays are interested to be known about all events, in taking some information quickly. With the help of Internet you can make it easily. In 1964 Paul Baran connected 4 computers in different parts of the USA and posted a message. You couldn't destroy Internet - if some computers will be broken down, the rest will work well. Nobody owns the Internet, and no organization controls its use. Now millions of people around the world are logging into libraries, call up satellite weather photos, download computer programs and music, take part in discussion groups.

P. 17: Even the Presidents have their own Internet accounts. In fact, anyone with modem connected to the phone line can enjoy Internet. The total number of people in Russia , who get into Internet is 10 million. In the modern Europe this number is much more - there are more than 200 million Internet users. Internet users are unimpressed by television promise of 500 channel future. The Internet already delivers 100.000 channels for all interests. In future all technics will be connected to the Internet. Now we can connect with Internet mobile phone, photo camera, palm computers and even alarm clock. Now we can be connected with the whole world everywhere - in the bus, underground and even on the North Pole.


VI. T.: You have so interesting reports, thank you for your work. But how attentive were you to your friends’ reports? Do the next test, choose the right answer and you will know the result of your listening.

  1. The inventor of the first printing press:   A) Edison B) Morse C) Gutenberg D) Biro
  2. The inventor of the first telegraph:     A) Morse B) Bell C) Marconi D) Darwin
  3. The inventor of the radio:     A) Benz B) Wright C) Paton D) Marconi
  4. The inventor of the telephone:      A) da Vinci B) Bell C) Roentgen D) Volta
  5. The inventors of the airplane:         A) Wright B) Ampere  C) Baird D) Bell
  6. The inventor of the phonograph:               A) Newton B) Stevenson C) Edison D) Morse
  7. The inventor of the electric bulb:   A) Edison B) Marconi C) Diesel D) Galvani
  8. The inventor of the chemical battery:           A) Ampere B) Franklin C) Volta D) Paton
  9. He discovered the Law of Gravitation:   A) Morse B) Ohm C) Diesel D) Newton
  10. He was the first to discover the X- Rays:          A) Bell B) Gutenberg C) Roentgen D) Darwin
  11. The inventor of the ball-point pen:         A) Diesel B) Biro C) Wright D) Einstein
  12. He invented television:      A) Newton B) Faraday C)  Morse D) Baird


T.: Look at the blackboard and check up your answers. If you have no mistakes you will have “11”.

VII. Teacher: Now the next task is to read silently the text about the prominent Ukrainian inventor Ivan Pulyui. You have to read the text by yourself and after that to do the comprehension tests in pairs. Remember that your time is limited.

(The children are reading and doing the tasks in written form in pairs).





Ivan Pulyui was born on the 2nd of February, 1845, in the village of Hrymayliv near Ternopil. He was a Ukrainian physicist, inventor and Ukrainian patriot who has been championed as an early developer of the use of X-rays for medical imaging. His contributions were large neglected until the end of the 20th century.

He studied at the universities of Vienna and Strasbourg. He served as a rector at the Higher Technical School in Prague.

Pulyui, as a result of experiments into what we called cold light, is reputed to have developed an X-ray emitting device as early as 1881. Pulyui reputedly first demonstrated an X-ray photograph of a 13-year-old boy’s broken arm and an X-ray photograph of his daughter’s hand with a pin lying under it. The device became known as the Pulyui lamp and was mass - produced for a period. Reputedly, Pulyui personally presented one to Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen who went on to be credited as the major developer of the technology.

Pulyui published his scientific paper, Luminous Electrical Matter and the Fourth State of Matter in the Notes of the Austrian Imperial Academy of Sciences (1880 – 1883), but expressed his ideas in an obscure manner using obsolete terminology. Pulyui did gain some recognition when the work was translated and published as a book by the Royal Society in the United Kingdom.

Pulyui made many other discoveries as well. He is particularly noted for inventing a device for determining the mechanical equivalent of heat that was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in, Paris, 1878.

Pulyui died on the 31st of January, 1918, in Prague.

The technical university in Ternopil is named after this great Ukrainian scientist.

“The name Ivan Pulyui belongs to those who formed the world at the turn of the centuries,”- said the science historian Wilhelm Formann.








У селі Гримайлів



Український фізик, винахідник



Першовідкривач використання проміння



Його досягнення були знехтувані



Займав посаду ректора



Винайшов випромінюючий прилад



Рентгенівський знімок руки його дочки



Став відомий як лампа Пулюя



Певний час був у масовому виробництві



 Вважається головним розробником технології



Питання світлової електрики



Використав застарілу термінологію



Опублікована книга королівською спілкою



Визначення механічного еквіваленту теплоти



Зазнав певного визнання



Австрійська імперська академія наук



Був представлений на всесвітній виставці



31 січня у Празі



Названий  іменем великого вченого



Належить до тих, хто будував світ



TASK 2. MARK THE STATEMENTS ON THE TEXT                                  AS T ( TRUE ) OR F ( FALSE)




Ivan Pulyui was born in Hrymayliv on February, 2, 1845.



He was a famous Polish scientist and patriot.



Pulyui was the first developer of use of X- rays for medical imaging.



He was a rector of Vienna university.



Pulyui served as a rector at the Higher Technical School in Prague.



He made many experiments into what we called cold light.



Pulyui personally presented his device to Wilhelm Roentgen.



Pulyui demonstrated an X- ray photo of his daughter’s broken hand.



His scientific work had the title ’’The discovery of X- rays and their usage”



His contributions were neglected until the end of the twentieth century.



5. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.


T.: Our lesson will be over in several minutes and I want you to listen to your marks. You worked well and today we have got to know much interesting and useful information about great inventions and famous inventors. I have patents with marks for your reports and work at this lesson.


6. Пояснення щодо виконання домашнього завдання.


T.: Your home task for the next lesson will be to read and retell the text about Ivan Pulyui. Good – bye. See you soon.


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