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Урок англійської мови у 6 класі. »
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Урок англійської мови у 6 класі.


Тема: Визначні місця Києва.


Мета: навчальна – активізація в усному мовленні лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур, необхідних для бесіди про Київ та визначні місця Києва; 

розвиваюча – розвиток навичок усного монологічного й діалогічного мовлення, читання  й аудіювання, формування навичок проектної роботи;

виховна – виховання любові до Батьківщини, почуття гордості за нашу столицю.

Тип уроку: урок  розвитку навичок говоріння

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійний проектор для демонстрації слайдів.

План уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.
  2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
  3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
  4. Фонетична зарядка.
  5. Активізація знань і навичок учнів.
  6. Виконання вправ на розвиток говоріння.
  7. Фізкультхвилинка.
  8. Виконання вправ на розвиток говоріння.
  9. Пояснення домашнього завдання.
  10. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.


Хід уроку


1. Організаційний момент.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils!


Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you.

Teacher: I am glad to see you at our lesson. Sit down, please.

2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Бесіда з учнями.

Вчитель ставить запитання учням:

How are you today?

Are you in a good mood?

Do you like travelling? Why?

Are you ready for the virtual trip?

3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Перегляд відео «Про Україну»

Teacher: Have you guessed the topic of our lesson?

Today we’ll speak about Kyiv and its sightseeing. The aim of the lesson is to share the information about Kyiv, its sightseeing; to train the oral speech. We’ll train to be the guides around the Ukrainian capital to be ready to receive guests from the other countries during EURO – 2012.

4. Фонетична зарядка. Let’s do a phonetic exercise.

I live in Ukraine,

A beautiful land.

It’s home for me

And you, my friend.

5. Активізація знань і умінь учнів.

1) Знайти і назвати українські еквіваленти. Match the word combinations.

1. the capital of Ukraine                         a) головна вулиця

2. the national symbol                            b) відомий театр

3. a new monument                                c) міст через річку

4. an independent state                          d) цікавий музей       

5. a famous theatre                                 e) історичне місце

6. an ancient cathedral                            f) незалежна держава

7. an interesting museum                        g) столиця України

8. the main street                                    h) національний символ

9. a historical place                                 i) стародавній собор

10. a bridge across the river                    j) новий пам’ятник                    

2) Відгадати і записати слово, ввести його в усне речення. Guess the word, write it down on the blackboard and make up a sentence using this word.

1. eddtnpinnee – independent    

2. ainnltoa – national            

3. pctiaal – capital

4. taearlchd – cathedral

5. terhtae – theatre

6. rgibed – bridge

7. smemuu – museum

8. nmuneotm – monument

6. Виконання вправ на розвиток говоріння:

1) Розповідь учнів про Україну й Київ.

Teacher: The pupils of our group have prepared the report about Ukraine and Kyiv. Let’s listen to their stories. The projects were made by the pupils themselves.

Pupil 1. Pupil 2. (in chain)

  1. We live in Ukraine. It’s our Motherland.
  2. Ukraine is situated in Europe. It borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova.
  3. The national symbols of Ukraine are the trident and the national flag – a yellow – and – blue flag.
  4. Ukraine is an independent state with Verhovna Rada and the president.
  5. The capital of our country is Kyiv. It’s an  ancient city, it’s 1500 years old.
  6. Kyiv is the main city of Ukraine, its political, economic, industrial centre.
  7. It stands on the river Dnipro.
  8. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut tree.
  9. There is a metro and large railway stations in Kyiv.
  10. Kyiv is a cultural centre of our country, there are many beautiful theatres in our capital.                                                                             
  11. You can see a lot of historical monuments in Kyiv.        
  12. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
  13. Kyiv is nice in any season and in any time of the day.
  14. Welcome to our famous capital – the great city of Kyiv!


2) Прочитати текст, вставляючи необхідні слова. Read the text using missed words from the word bank.


Банк слів: University, people, political, proud, beautiful, river, cinemas, city, flowers, capital, street, founded.

Kyiv is the … of our country. It is the largest … in Ukraine. More than three million … live there. Kyiv was … more than 1500 years ago. It is the … , economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many museums, monuments, … and palaces in Kyiv. Thousands of students study at Kyiv – Mohyla academy, at Kyiv Shevchenko National … , many institutes and colleges. Kiev is situated on the … Dnipro. It is one of the most … cities of Ukraine. We are … that our capital is one of the best cities in the world. Khreschatyk is the main  … in Kyiv. The city is very green because there are many nice trees and … there. 


3) Дати усні відповіді на запитання про Київ. Read and answer the questions on the text about Kyiv.


  • What is the capital of Ukraine?
  • When was Kyiv founded?
  • What river does Kyiv stand on?
  • What is the population of Kyiv?
  • What is the main street of Kyiv?
  • Does the president live in Kyiv?
  • Is there a metro in the capital of our country?
  • Why is Kyiv a green city?


4) Розповіді учнів про визначні місця столиці. Учні представляють свої проекти.

Teacher: Today we are going to be the guides. We’ll try to tell our guests about our beautiful capital – Kyiv. The pupils will present their own projects.


Pupil 3. Kyiv – the treasury of architecture

  1. Kyiv is a real treasury of architecture. There are many beautiful old and new buildings in the capital. 
  2. Saint Sophia’s Cathedral is a famous Christian Cathedral all over Ukraine and Europe, it  has a lot of ancient frescos and icons.                               
  3. If you are in Kyiv you can’t help visiting Saint Andrew’s Church.
  4. Kyiv is famous for its great Volodymyr’s Cathedral.
  5. The Golden Gate is a great example of architecture of Kyiv Rus.
  6. Uspenskyi Cathedral   is the main building of Kyiv – Pechersk Lavra – the centre of Christianity of Ukraine.
  7. A House With Hymeras is a very interesting and magic building in Kyiv.
  8. Mariinskyi Palace is a place that is worth seeing in our capital.   
  9. Askold Mohyla is an interesting historical place.
  10. The church of Saint Myhailo is full of old icons and frescos.
  11. Kyiv is unforgettable city with a very special architecture.

Pupil 4. Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra

  1. I would like to tell you about the Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra.
  2. A Ukrainian monastery was founded in 1051 by monks Antoniy and Feodosiy.
  3. In 1240 it was destroyed by the Mongol army of Khan Batyi.
  4. In the 16th century it was made a Lavra.
  5. Lavra is built in the style of Ukrainian Baroque.
  6. There is the Kyiv Cave Historical Cultural Preserve here.
  7. There are many underground  caves, antique shops, nice churches  on the territory of Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra.
  8. Kyiv – Pecherska Lavra is the centre of Christianity in Ukraine.


Pupil 5.  Interesting places

  1. Kyiv has a lot of interesting places that are worth seeing.
  2. The Independence Square or Maidan Nezalezhnosti is in the centre of Kyiv. There are many sightseeings here.
  3. The main and the most beautiful street of Kyiv is Khreschatyk.
  4. There is a park of Fame or Slava and the monument to the Unknown Soldier and the Immortal Flame here.
  5. Moscow is famous for its Arbat. And Kyiv has Andriivskyi Uzviz with a great number of shops, art galleries, monuments and art exhibitions. 

Pupil 6.  Interesting places    

  1. If you like real art you should visit the Opera House.
  2. There is a Drama Theatre in Kyiv where you can see different plays.
  3. You can visit the Puppet Theatre with your children to see the performance for kids.
  4. If you want to see the whole beauty of our capital go to Kyiv bridges.
  5. Kyiv is famous for its wonderful botanical garden with rare trees, bushes and flowers.
  6. If you like the Moon and the stars you should visit the Planetarium.

7. Фізкультхвилинка.

Teacher: As we are at the excursion in Kyiv, let’s catch a bus and rest a little. Let’s sing a song “The wheels on the bus”.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, round and round,                         

The wheels on the bus go round and round                  

All through the town.

The whipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,                          

 Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish,

The whipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

All through the town.

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat,                                                   

Chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat,

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat,

All through the town.

The horn on the bus go beep, beep, beep,

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,

The horn on the bus go beep, beep, beep,

All through the town.

The babies on the bus go waa..waa..waa..                                                                        


The babies on the bus go waa..waa..waa..

All through the town.

8. Виконання вправ на розвиток навичок говоріння:

1) Розповіді учнів про визначні місця Києва. 

Teacher: We are ready to listen to our next guides. Be attentive!                    

Pupil 7. The monuments of Kyiv                                                          

  1. I would like to tell you about the most interesting monuments of Kyiv.
  2. There is a monument to Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid which are the founders of Kyiv.
  3. The Monument of Independence is situated on the Independence Square or Maidan Nezalezhnosti.
  4. There is a monument to Volodymyr the Great – the Kyiv Prince who brought the Christianity into Kyiv Rus. It stands on the bank of the river Dnipro.
  5. On the Square of Saint Sophia you can see a monument to Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.
  6. There is a monument to the Great Princess Olha.
  7. Kyiv has monuments to the victims of holocost.
  8. You can see a monument to the great fhilosopher and writer Hryhoriy Scovoroda.   
  9. On the bank of the river Dnipro you can see a monument to the famous actor and film director Leonid Bykov.
  10. There is a monument Myhailo Bulgakov, a talented   writer, the author of “Master and Margarita”. 
  11. Kyiv is full of different monuments which tell us about the past and the present day of our capital.  

Pupil 8.                                                                                                              

  1. I would like to tell you about different museums of Kyiv!
  2. If you are interested in history of our country you have to visit the historical museum.
  3. There is a Museum of Wax Figures in Kyiv where you can see many famous people.
  4. The state Museum of a Toy has a lot of different toy of all ages.
  5. If you are interested in the events of World War II you should visit the Museum of Great Patriotic War to see the war machines, planes. Weapon, clothes and clothes.

You can see a huge Monument to Mother Motherland here.

  1. If you are interested in Ukrainian arts you should visit the Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts.
  2. The Shevchenco House Museum has many exponats to tell about Taras Shevchenco’s life and work.
  3. The Museum of Miniature has a great collection of nice small works of art.
  4. If you are fond of nature you should visit Kyiv Museum of Nature Sciences.
  5. The Museum of Russian Arts gives us much information about great works of Russian artists.
  6.  The Museum of Pyrohovo is a museum in the open air, there are many different old buildings here.                                                                                     
  7. Kyiv is famous for its Museum of Western and Oriental Arts.

2) Перегляд відео «Визначні місця Києва».

Teacher: Let’s watch the film about the beautiful places of our capital. Pay attention to the names of the interesting places of Kyiv.

3) Гра в лексичне лото «Визначні місця Києва».

Teacher: I want to propose you an interesting game “Bingo”. Listen to the teacher and find the words on your cards, don’t forget to tick them. If you have all your words ticked you should shout ‘Bingo’ and you are the winner of this game.

4)  Презентація складених вдома діалогів.

Teacher: You know that not every pupil of our group has been to Kyiv. But some of you have visited our capital. Let’s listen to the dialogues between such pupils.

Dialogue 1.                                                              

Pupil 1: Have you ever been to Kyiv?                                

Pupil 2: No, I have not.

P.1: It’s a pity. I was in Kyiv last summer.

P. 2: What did you see there?

P.1: I visited Khreschatyk and Maidan Nezalezhnosti. But most of all I liked the Kyiv zoo.

P.2: What animals did you see there?

P. 1: I saw lamas, horses, camels, giraffes, tigers, and lions. I like the monkeys very much.


Dialogue 2.

P.1: Have you ever been to Kyiv?                            

P. 2: Yes, I have. I was in Kyiv when I was five.

P. 1: What places did you visit?

P. 2: I visited Maidan Nezalezhnosti and Kyiv zoo.

P. 1: Was it interesting?

P. 2: It was fantastic! Look at my photos.

P. 1: They are good.


5) Виготовлення рекламного плакату у групі. На ватмані записати  назви найцікавіших визначних місць Києва. Звучить пісня «Як тебе не любити, Києве мій».


Teacher: We have got to know much information about sightseeing of our capital. I want you to become an advertising agents and to make a poster about the most interesting places of Kyiv. What places would you advise to visit for the guests of our capital? Choose the representative of each group to present your posters.                    


6)   Гра «Мікрофон». Придумати одне усне речення про Київ.   

Teacher: Let’s make a conclusion from our lesson, try to make one interesting sentence about our beautiful capital.


9. Пояснення домашнього завдання.


  1. Дати письмові відповіді на запитання про Київ.
  2. Високий рівень. Написати творчу роботу “Київ моїми очима”.


10.Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.

Teacher: We tried to be the good guides today and to speak about Kyiv and its beauty. I should say that you did all your best. How do you feel now? I hope you are full of energy.

I want to thank you for your work and to give you the certificates which say that you are ready to be the guides in Kyiv during  EURO – 2012!

Учитель вручає учням посвідчення екскурсоводів по Києву          

(на екрані демонструється відео про Київ і звучить пісня Вакарчука «Все буде добре»).

Teacher: The lesson is over. Good – bye, pupils. See you soon.

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